Why Hearing 4 All

Educational Audiologist Services

Equal Access Is The Name Of Our Game

Why Hearing 4 All?

Every student deserves the opportunity to receive equal access to classroom lectures that support their successful learning journey. Our professional experience allows us to deliver necessary accommodations for deaf and hard of hearing students.

In collaboration with the clinical audiologist, Ear, Nose, and Throat physician, speech language pathologists, teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing as well as other pertinent professionals or school personnel we are able to successfully gather critical information about the hearing needs of each individual student. Once obtained, we then make educational recommendations that support equal access to hearing impaired students of all ages.


Our mission is to allow hearing impaired students the opportunity to take back control of their social life and educational careers. We fully understand that learning new information can be extremely challenging for any student. Adding a hearing impairment to the equation makes the process of gaining knowledge that much more difficult.
The educational journey of a student is directly affected by the relationship they have with the staff who mentor and teach them every single day. With our successfully proven educational audiology training methods, administrators are always more than prepared to foster a positive learning environment for their deaf and hard of hearing students.

Working with us guarantees you direct access to:

  • Flexible contracts tailored to the needs of your district
  • Expertise and experience working with students from pre-K to high school graduates
  • Knowledge and experience assisting administrators with the planning and placement of equipment for hearing impaired students
  • Unmatched knowledge in numerous different types of old and new hearing assistive technology
  • Up-to-date technology and respectable equipment plans that align with your school’s budget
  • Clinical understanding in various areas such as hearing loss, hearing aids, and cochlear implants
  • The expansive network established with high-level technology manufacturers

Services for All Ages of Students


High School

Evaluate and help to adapt the school environment to support the student with hearing loss.

Middle School

Ongoing assessment at the middle school level helps to ensure that each child is getting the appropriate assistance and accommodations.

Elementary School

Hearing loss is best treated when diagnosed early.  I screen, evaluate, and create an action plan for each student with a hearing impairment.

Board Certified Clinical Audiologist with 17 years audiology experience.

Jennine Kelley Michaels, Au.D.

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